Created December 21, 2021
Updated October 22, 2024
6 min read

How to Secure Your WordPress Site?

WordPress is the most popular Content Management System (CMS) in the world, used by over 39% of internet users. Additionally, WordPress-developed sites represent 65% of CMS-built websites. The popularity of WordPress is due to its simplicity and ease of use.

However, due to its popularity, some hackers may attempt to compromise insecure sites. If you have a WordPress site or plan to create one, you should consider securing it. How can you do this? We’ll show you everything in this article.

Why Is WordPress Security Important?

You may wonder why you should secure your site, whether it’s necessary or mandatory. The truth is, it is essential. That’s why applications and software are regularly updated.

Security for your data, your users’ data, and your business is one of the primary reasons why website maintenance is crucial. There are other reasons for securing your site, such as:

How to Secure Your WordPress Site?

Now that you understand why it’s essential to secure your WordPress site, let’s see how you can do it.

In this example, I will outline ten points you should consider to secure your WordPress website.

1.Keep WordPress Updated Regularly.

Many bugs, errors, and vulnerabilities are fixed with each new version release.

  • To update WordPress, go to your dashboard.
  • At the top of the page, you’ll see a notification whenever a new version is available.
  • Click on the update, then click the blue “Update Now” button. This takes only a few seconds.

2.Update Your Themes and Plugins.

To update your plugins, simply click “update now” under each of them, and they will be updated within seconds.

To update your theme, go to Appearance > Themes, and you will see all your installed themes. Those that are outdated will be marked similarly to the plugins. Simply click “Update Now.”

3.Back up your site regularly.

Backing up your site involves creating a copy of all your site’s data and storing it in a secure location. This allows you to restore your site from the backup copy in case of any issues.

4.Limit login attempts and change your password regularly.

Do not allow your login form to permit an unlimited number of attempts to use the username and password, as this is exactly what helps a hacker succeed in infiltrating and taking control of your site.

Moreover, by changing your passwords regularly, you further reduce the chances of unauthorized access. However, “regularly” does not mean every day; changing them every 2 or 3 months should suffice.

5.Install a firewall.

In addition to installing a firewall on your computer, you can also install security tools on your WordPress site. This type of firewall protects your site from viruses, malware, hacker attacks, and more.

Sucuri does an excellent job in this regard and is one of the best security services for WordPress. It covers a wide range of security aspects.

You can also use the Wordfence plugin.

6.Limit user access to your site.

If you are not the only user with access to your site, be cautious when creating new user accounts. You should keep everything under control and try to limit access for users who do not necessarily need it.

If you have many users, you can limit their roles and permissions. They should only have access to the features they need to perform their tasks.

7.Rename your login URL.

By default, the URL you use to access your dashboard is either wp-login.php or wp-admin, added after your site’s main URL. For example, YOURSITE.com/wp-login.php.

The iThemes Security plugin can perform this trick. For instance, your login URL can be changed to something like YOURSITE.com/I_love_my_site. This is one of the simple WordPress security tricks.

8.Activate security scans.

Security scans are performed by specialized software/plugins that scan your entire website for any suspicious elements. If any issues are found, they are immediately addressed. These scanners work similarly to antivirus software.

9.Use SSL.

SSL certificates allow us to certify the ownership of a public key. If this sounds like gibberish to you, don’t worry. Choosing an SSL certificate is not complicated, and it is genuinely necessary to have an SSL certificate on your WordPress site.

The goal here is to have an HTTPS:// URL with a padlock icon to show users that your site is secure.

10.Protect your wp-config.php.

One simple thing you can do is take the wp-config.php file and move it up one level above your WordPress root directory. This won’t affect your WordPress site in any way, but it will make it more challenging for hackers to find.


To maintain the best WordPress security practices, ensure your WordPress host employs a web application firewall, regularly updates the WordPress core, themes, and plugins, uses strong password policies, limits login attempts on the WordPress login page, and installs a reputable WordPress security plugin to protect your website from security vulnerabilities and potential security breaches.

Adhering to best practices is essential to maintain the security of your WordPress installation. Regularly update your WordPress version, plugins, and themes to keep your site safe from potential security issues.

Monitor your website security by employing a reputable WordPress theme and administering your WordPress admin panel with caution to mitigate security risks. Use malware scans and robust WordPress plugins to safeguard your website, and make sure to protect your WordPress database with strong login credentials.

As a responsible website owner, it’s vital to use a plugin that incorporates the best WordPress security plugins to log into your site confidently, especially if you manage many WordPress installations. This comprehensive approach will help protect your WordPress site effectively.

According to Sucuri:

  • 83% of hacked sites created using a Content Management System (CMS) are created with WordPress.
  • 39% of hacked WordPress sites have outdated versions of WordPress.

Statistics like these are prevalent for WordPress, and if you don’t have any security measures in place, you have reason to be concerned.

With the above steps, you should be able to enhance your security. If you need assistance with WordPress or any other CMS to grow your business, feel free to call us or contact us, and we’ll be happy to help. Our team of WordPress experts can assist you in achieving your goals. We run the best web agency in Montreal, and we have over 10 years of experience in marketing.