Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Improving conversion rates through optimization

No matter the size of your business, Conversion Rate Optimization can help you:

  • Increased conversions and profit
  • Improved your website’s user experience
  • Give you a competitive advantage

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Conversion Rate Optimization helps you to boost conversions and drive business growth

If your website sales seem slow and your website is unprofitable, or you think you can do way better than what you are doing at the moment, Conversion Rate Optimization is the answer you’ve been searching for. Conversion Rate Optimization or CRO helps you optimize the targeted conversions of your website, so you can have more efficient and more profitable website. By gathering the data of your customer’s behavior we make changes in your design and users interface, we change menus and simplify processes so your user can easily buy your products.

By doing this modifications we give your users a smoother experience in which he is able to easily shop for your products and pay for them without any further thinking or hesitation. For example many users don’t want to make an account with your website, they just want to purchase your product. So don’t force them to make an account, have an option where someone could buy your product just a guest.

Conversion Rate Optimization can help you create a better user experience for your customers and results in better profits. Having more profits and visits will also impact your SEO and help your website rank better on Google and other search engines, so CRO is an absolutely crucial part of owning an online business.

What to Expect from Conversion Rate Optimization?

Conversion Rate Optimization will help you accelerate your business growth by helping you to:


Increased Conversions and ROI

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) helps businesses increase their conversion rates, which ultimately leads to higher sales and revenue. By optimizing a website’s design, messaging, and user experience, businesses make it easier for visitors to convert into customers, resulting in more purchases and better profits.

Improved User Experience

By analyzing all the metrics of the visitor’s behavior on their website, businesses can improve their design and user interface so the next time the visitors come they will have a better user experience. By optimizing the design and the purchasing process we can eliminate user’s hesitation and easily turn it into a buying decision.


Data-Driven Decision Making

By analyzing user behavior and performance metrics, businesses can better understand their customers and make changes to their website that will improve its effectiveness. This approach involves testing different strategies and using analytics tools to track progress and make decisions based on the data.

Reduced Bounce Rates

By optimizing the content and the user experience on their website businesses can reduce bounce rate. Users will be happy they found the product or information they needed and won’t feel the need “to bounce away” on another website. Reduced bounce rate is also great for SEO and will help the website’s search engine ranking.

Why Choose Oshara web app


When you’re looking for a tech service provider, you’d like to feel confident that you’re working with a team of experts who know what they’re talking about and stand out in the field. Well, that team is WE the Oshara Clan.

Our transparent and collaborative approach ensures that you are involved in every step of the process and that we adhere to industry standards and norms.

We will take your business to new heights by:

  • Improving your productivity through technology
  • Increasing your sales through digital marketing
  • Transforming your business with your vision and our passion

Our most used stack languages


+ 10 years

experience. For over a decade, Oshara has been at the forefront of the web development, technology application and digital marketing industry.


projects. We have deployed thousands of websites, online stores and web applications for businesses and institutions in Canada and around the world.


marketing campaigns. With successful campaigns in SEO, Google Ads and Facebook, we have established ourselves as a leader in online advertising solutions.

+50 M

of revenue generated. Our solutions have generated millions of dollars in revenue for our customers, providing them with an exponential return on their investment.

Frequently asked questions

How much do your services cost?

We are aware of the importance of the budget for any company, no matter its size. However, just like our services, our rates are tailored to meet a specific need you have. No matter what your project is and if we have the capacity to do it, we will always offer you an advantageous and flexible pricing. And if that’s not enough for you, we will offer you an additional 10% discount on the lowest estimate you will get on the market. Finally, depending on your budget, we can also offer you a solution that will allow you to realize your project, by clearly defining with you the priorities for the deployment of the project.

What is your methodology?

For the elaboration and validation of deliverables, we will use the “Agile” method. The “Agile” method recommended here is the best and the most adapted for the realization of your web project. It is a method that we use a lot because it allows you to be involved in the development process from the beginning to the end of the project. With this method, the efforts of our teams are concentrated on small blocks of tasks and allow us to quickly modify the direction of the project according to the evolution of your needs.

Tell us about your quality assurance process?

In order to guarantee our clients quality deliverables, we have developed process-based methods aimed at prevention rather than cure.

Therefore, our quality assurance process starts at the beginning of the project, is applied at all stages of the project to ensure:

  • Functional and visual quality of deliverables
  • The satisfaction of the client
  • The important feeling of duty and mission accomplished

Do you have a project?

We are here to help you.