HubSpot Marketing

OPTIMIZE YOUR information in your CRM with HubSpot Marketing

Optimizing your HubSpot Marketing makes everything easier for your campaigns. It helps you organize your efforts, from making posts to getting new customers. Plus, you can personalize communication with your clients because you have all their info in one place. And with just one dashboard, you can handle all your marketing without any hassle.


Optimizing HubSpot for marketing involves using its diverse features to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing efforts.

One key aspect of optimization is ensuring proper setup and configuration of HubSpot’s tools to align with business objectives and strategies. This includes configuring lead capture forms, setting up email templates, and defining workflows to automate repetitive tasks, ultimately streamlining marketing operations.

Another component of optimization is data-driven decision-making. HubSpot offers robust analytics and reporting capabilities that enable marketers to track key metrics such as website traffic, conversion rates, and email engagement.

By analyzing this data, marketers can identify trends, evaluate the performance of campaigns, and make informed adjustments to optimize their marketing strategies for better results.

Optimization also involves continuous testing and iteration to refine marketing tactics and improve outcomes over time. HubSpot’s A/B testing functionality allows marketers to experiment with different variations of content, messaging, and calls-to-action to identify what resonates best with their audience.

By embracing experimentation and learning, marketers can unlock the full potential of HubSpot’s capabilities and drive continuous improvement in their marketing efforts.



+10 years

experience. For over a decade, Oshara has been at the forefront of website development, technology applications and digital marketing.


projects. We have deployed thousands of websites, online stores and Web applications for companies and institutions in Canada and around the world.


marketing campaigns. Thanks to successful campaigns in SEO, Google Ads and Facebook, we have established ourselves as a leader in online advertising solutions.


of revenue generated. Our solutions have generated millions of dollars in revenue for our customers, giving them an exponential return on their investment.



Automation of tasks in HubSpot Marketing streamlines repetitive processes such as email campaigns, lead nurturing, and social media posting. By setting up workflows and triggers, businesses can deliver timely and personalized messages to their audience, saving time and ensuring consistent engagement throughout the customer journey.


By fine-tuning HubSpot’s setup and configurations to align with specific marketing goals and strategies, businesses can streamline their marketing operations. This optimization ensures that workflows are efficient, lead capture forms are effective, and email templates are tailored to engage the audience, saving time and resources.


Personalization of messages in HubSpot Marketing involves tailoring content and communications to individual recipients based on their demographics, behavior, or preferences. By delivering relevant and targeted messages, businesses can enhance engagement, build stronger connections with their audience, and drive higher conversion rates across various marketing channels.


As businesses grow, their marketing needs evolve. HubSpot’s scalability ensures that it can adapt to the changing requirements of businesses of all sizes. Whether it’s managing a growing database of leads, expanding marketing campaigns to new channels, or catering to a larger audience, HubSpot can scale alongside the business without compromising performance or efficiency.

Our 4-step process for organizing your information with hubspot marketing

We use a proven 4-step process that we tailor to each of our customers’ objectives:

Audience Analysis

We begin by understanding your target audience's demographics, interests, and behaviors. Segment them based on common characteristics to tailor your marketing messages effectively.

Content Optimization

We develop interesting content that resonates with your audience's needs and preferences. Using SEO techniques and HubSpot's tools to optimize content for search engines and user engagement.

Sending the Message

We use HubSpot's marketing automation tools to distribute your content across various channels, such as email, social media, and blogs. With this we maximize reach and engagement with your target audience across different platforms.

Tracking and Optimization

We monitor the performance of your marketing campaigns using HubSpot's analytics tools. Analyze key metrics such as engagement rates, conversion rates, and ROI to identify areas for improvement and refine your strategies for better results. 


We are aware of the importance of the budget for any company, no matter its size. However, just like our services, our rates are tailored to meet a specific need you have. No matter what your project is and if we have the capacity to do it, we will always offer you an advantageous and flexible pricing. And if that’s not enough for you, we will offer you an additional 10% discount on the lowest estimate you will get on the market. Finally, depending on your budget, we can also offer you a solution that will allow you to realize your project, by clearly defining with you the priorities for the deployment of the project.

For the elaboration and validation of deliverables, we will use the “Agile” method. The “Agile” method recommended here is the best and the most adapted for the realization of your web project. It is a method that we use a lot because it allows you to be involved in the development process from the beginning to the end of the project. With this method, the efforts of our teams are concentrated on small blocks of tasks and allow us to quickly modify the direction of the project according to the evolution of your needs.

In order to guarantee our clients quality deliverables, we have developed process-based methods aimed at prevention rather than cure.

Therefore, our quality assurance process starts at the beginning of the project, is applied at all stages of the project to ensure:

  • Functional and visual quality of deliverables
  • The satisfaction of the client
  • The important feeling of duty and mission accomplished