Top 60 Websites to Use in 2024 for Your Digital Marketing
Created July 24, 2023
Updated March 11, 2024
26 min read

Top 60 Websites to Use in 2024 for Your Digital Marketing

In the today’s overcrowded internet space, it is essential to have the right tools to excel online. Artificial intelligence may seem like the biggest trend, but it’s not just about AI-driven websites. 

Rather, it is a combo of practical tools and sites to improve the online presence of your business in general. Of course, a specific section will be dedicated to websites based solely on artificial intelligence.

Whether you’re a student looking for educational resources, a professional looking for specialized information, or simply someone wanting to simplify their daily life, this article will direct you to super useful websites that can help you in multiple ways. Our goal is not to rank websites, but rather to share with you some tools that we use or have used that are really interesting.

Useful Websites for SEO Optimization

Google Search Console

Google Search Console
Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a free tool offered by Google, essential for any digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) professional. This tool allows website owners to monitor and maintain their site’s presence in Google search results. It provides an overview of site performance, including impressions, clicks, and position in search results. 

Additionally, Google Search Console helps identify and fix technical errors, submit sitemaps , and see which pages are indexed by Google. It also provides valuable insight into the keywords and phrases users are searching for, which is crucial for optimizing content strategies and improving SEO.



SEMrush is a paid marketing and SEO tool highly appreciated by professionals in the field. It offers a full range of features for competitive analysis, keyword tracking, SEO auditing, backlink analysis, and more. 

SEMrush stands out for its ability to provide detailed data on your competitors’ strategies, including the keywords they use, their performance in search engines, and the advertising strategies they employ. This platform is particularly useful for building more effective digital marketing strategies, based on in-depth market data and identifying unexplored keyword and backlink opportunities.



Ahref is one of the best SEO tools specializing in backlink and keyword analysis. It is a direct competitor to SEMrush, offering similar features, but with a particular emphasis on link analysis. Ahrefs is widely recognized for its comprehensive backlink database, allowing users to analyze the link profile of any website, including competing sites. 

This helps understand and improve link building strategies, a crucial aspect of SEO. In addition to backlink analysis, Ahrefs offers tools for keyword research, site auditing, content analysis, and rank tracking. Although we opted for SEMrush at Oshara , Ahrefs remains a preferred choice for many SEO professionals , due to its accuracy and rich data.

Screaming Frog

Screaming Frog
Screaming Frog

Screaming Frog is an essential tool for SEO professionals, offering a free version that is particularly useful for technical website auditing. This desktop software allows you to crawl websites to analyze various elements such as URLs, page titles, meta descriptions, HTTP response codes, and alt attributes of images. 

It is particularly effective for quickly identifying technical issues that could affect a site’s SEO, such as broken links, redirects or orphan pages. Screaming Frog is loved for its ease of use and ability to manage large websites, making it a go-to tool for comprehensive and detailed SEO audits.

Opengraph is a free online tool that simplifies creating Open Graph meta tags for websites. These meta tags are crucial for digital marketing because they define how content is displayed when shared on social media. With, users can easily generate social media previews for any URL, helping to control and improve how content is presented on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. 

The tool guides users through a simple process for adding titles, descriptions, and preview images, ensuring that shared content grabs attention and is accurately represented on social media. It is a valuable tool for improving engagement and visibility of online content.


SEOBOOK is a website offering a variety of free and useful SEO tools for digital marketing professionals. Among these tools, one of the most practical is their word density checker tool. This tool allows users to analyze the keyword density in a specific web page or content. It is essential to ensure that content is optimized for search engines without falling into over-optimization, which can be penalized by Google. The tool also helps identify the most used keywords in content, thus making it possible to refine SEO strategies and improve the visibility of the site on search engines.



GTmetrix is a free online tool that evaluates website performance. It provides a detailed analysis of the various factors affecting the loading speed of a page, such as server response time, image size and JavaScript usage. Gtmetrix generates a comprehensive report, including performance scores and practical recommendations for optimizing site speed. 

This is crucial because loading speed not only influences user experience, but also search engine rankings. Webmasters and marketing professionals can use Gtmetrix to identify their site performance issues and implement actionable improvements to improve the speed and efficiency of their site.

Pingdom Website Speed Test

Pingdom Website Speed Test
Pingdom Website Speed Test

Pingdom is another important tool for analyzing a website’s speed and performance, positioning itself as a direct competitor to GTMetrix. The unique thing about Pingdom is that it offers more than 70 verification points located around the world to test and verify websites. This helps simulate the loading experience of a website from different geographic locations, providing a more holistic view of site performance. 

Pingdom provides detailed information on website uptime, loading speed, and interactions, allowing site owners to optimize their site for a better user experience. The tool is particularly useful for businesses with an international audience, as it helps ensure that the website works well for all users, regardless of their location.



Page speed Insight is also competitive and similar to Gtmetrix and Pingdom web…., only it is developed and offered free of charge by Google. In terms of scoring it’s not as good as the competition, but it tells you how Google and its robots interpret the speed of your website. It also gives you good ideas to correct the factors that negatively affect the speed of your website.



NeuronWritter is the kind of tool that is particularly beneficial for optimizing your article content. Thanks to artificial intelligence, it allows you to create, organize, publish, but above all optimize your text to make it SEO friendly. After creating your content, it allows you to analyze the content of the completion, and based on this, informs you of what types of words could be used to improve your text. 



Copyscape is plagiarism detection software, providing a valuable solution for assessing the originality of content you have written or commissioned from a writer. The main purpose of Copyscape is to determine if the text you created already exists online. With Copyscape, you buy credits and every time you check, it deducts credit. It is therefore a paid tool.



Plerdy is such a great tool that combines the interpretation of your marketing pages from the point of view of UX and at the same time SEO. It is software that allows you to optimize conversion rates by analyzing user behavior using heatmap monitoring. It is more used by SEO experts and digital marketers to identify the page which received a lot of clicks. 

With Plerdy, you can see how far the user has navigated on your website, which has blocked them from making purchases. So, you can improve the imperfections of your website to make the user experience easier. Plerdy has features such as: first click analysis, content improvement with Heatmaps, Sales Impact analysis for e-commerce sites, mouse cursor movement, SEO Checker, SERP Checker Add-on, Tool A/B Testing, etc. It is a tool compatible with various CMS (WordPress, Shopify, Magento, etc.).



AnswerThePublic is a unique and extremely useful tool for content marketing and SEO professionals. This free online tool helps quickly discover the most common questions, concerns, and search topics around a specific keyword. By entering a term, generates a visual map of questions, prepositions and comparisons users frequently search for on search engines. 

This helps content creators understand what their target audience wants to know and create content that directly addresses those needs. By providing relevant and trending content ideas, is a valuable tool for optimizing content for SEO, increasing user engagement, and answering search queries effectively.


Dibz is an advanced and efficient platform for digital marketers and SEO specialists, designed to simplify and optimize the process of finding quality backlinks. This paid tool helps quickly identify relevant, high-quality backlink opportunities based on searched keywords or phrases. filters and ranks results to show the best candidates for link building, considering criteria like relevance, domain authority and content quality. This saves time and increases the effectiveness of link building campaigns, focusing on links that will actually improve SEO rankings. is especially useful for marketing agencies and SEO freelancers looking to speed up and simplify the link building process.



RankAtom , an all-in-one SEO tool designed to boost your website’s ranking. It is a formidable competitor to well-established tools such as Ahrefs which existed long before it. RankAtom goes beyond simple keyword research by offering advanced features, including competitor analysis, weak spot detection, and position tracking. This tool particularly stands out for its ability to generate detailed performance reports, allowing rapid analysis of effective strategies and areas for improvement. 

By acting as the AnswersThePublic tool, RankAtom provides information on the questions most asked by Internet users in your topic. Another advantage of RankAtom is its flexibility. It allows you to choose in the parameters, country and language of your search in order to reach the right target. In summary, RankAtom stands out as a must-have SEO keyword research tool. Its ability to detect weak spots in SERPs, user-friendly interface and advanced features make it the ideal choice for seasoned professionals and digital marketing beginners.

Websites Useful for Marketing



Domaintools is an essential tool for digital marketing professionals and website managers. It provides comprehensive functionality for obtaining detailed information about domain name ownership. Using Domaintools, you can discover information such as when the domain was purchased, when it was updated, and, in some cases, owner details. 

This includes associated information such as contact address and other domain names owned by the same entity. This tool is particularly useful for competitive research, checking domain availability, and understanding the ownership structure of competing or partner sites.



Ubersuggest is a popular keyword research and SEO analysis tool. It provides valuable insights into search trends, search volumes, keyword difficulty, and related keyword suggestions. Ubersuggest is also useful for competitive analysis, offering insights into the keyword strategies used by competitors. This makes it a valuable tool for planning content strategies and optimizing websites for higher search engine rankings.

Drip is a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) platform focused on e-commerce (online store). It is particularly suitable for email marketing , offering advanced tools for creating, managing and optimizing email campaigns. In addition to its email marketing capabilities, integrates features like popups and other widgets to improve interaction on e-commerce sites. It’s a powerful tool for personalizing the customer experience and increasing conversions.



Switchy is a link management tool, similar to Bitly , but with additional features suitable for marketing campaigns. It helps personalize, track, and optimize short links for social media campaigns, email marketing, and other digital channels. Switchy offers advanced options like click tracking, retargeting, and performance analytics, making it ideal for measuring the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.
Heyreachio is designed to make websites more accessible to people with special needs, which is not only an effort for greater inclusiveness, but also a legal requirement in some regions like the United States, Canada and Europe. These tools play a key role in improving user experience and ensuring compliance with web accessibility standards.



AccessiBe is a solution that aims to make websites accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities. With technologies like machine learning, AccessiBe enables a scalable approach to web accessibility. This platform helps businesses meet standards like the ADA and WCAG, helping to create a more inclusive Internet. This includes adding features to improve the experience for users with disabilities, covering approximately 20% of the population who might otherwise feel excluded.



Buttonizer is a plugin for WordPress that allows users to add smart, customizable floating action buttons to their websites. These buttons aim to increase site visitor interactions and conversions. With over 40 actions available, Buttonizer offers great flexibility and can be used across various platforms to improve user engagement.

Language Tool 

Language Tool
Language Tool

LanguageTool is a multilingual grammar, style and spelling checker that helps correct or paraphrase texts. It is available as a browser extension and works on various websites, offering tips for improving texts in different languages. LanguageTool offers comprehensive writing analysis, including style corrections in addition to spelling and grammar. It comes in free and premium versions, the latter offering more advanced features. 

Illow is a platform designed to manage privacy and cookie consent compliance needs. It offers features such as customizing cookie banners, recording consent, and managing compliance with global data protection regulations. provides a comprehensive tool to ensure compliance with various privacy laws, with options such as cookie categorization, periodic scans and data request forms.



BIGVU is a teleprompter, caption maker and video editor tool. It offers teleprompter apps for Android, iPhone, iPad, and desktop, offering assistance in creating video scripts using AI. BIGVU also has a video editor to choose the best shots for video blogging or video marketing strategies. With features like automatic caption creation, video stylization, and tools for tracking engagement and reach, BIGVU is a versatile tool for creating professional video content.

Social Media 


Facebook stands out as one of the most popular websites, both in Canada and the United States. Its platform allows users to connect with friends, share photos, videos and articles, and participate in various groups. This social network also plays a crucial role in digital marketing, providing businesses with sophisticated advertising tools to sell products and a massive audience. Facebook’s ability to target specific audiences makes it a must-have for online marketing strategies. 


Instagram, famous for its visually appealing features, ranks among the most trafficked sites in Canada and the United States. This platform is ideal for sharing photos and videos, particularly attracting younger generations. With its varied options for Stories, Reels and sponsored posts, Instagram has become a powerful marketing tool, allowing brands to build an engaging and visually captivating brand image. On this social media platform, brands and consumers are present, so it is a good place for business.


Twitter also known as X, famous for its ease of sharing brief updates, is also among the most visited websites. It is particularly popular for its ability to quickly disseminate information and enable real-time interactions between users. Businesses use Twitter to communicate directly with their customer base, share news and monitor market trends, making it an essential tool for online marketing.


TikTok is a popular short-form video platform that allows users to create and share engaging content in bite-sized clips. Businesses targeting Gen Z increasingly leverage TikTok for short-form video content in their social media marketing strategies, recognizing the platform’s popularity among young social media users, making it an ideal space for promoting their product or service through paid advertising and effectively tapping into the power of short-form content on this influential social platform.


Reddit, often nicknamed “the front page of the Internet”, ranks well in the top of the most visited sites, particularly in the United States. This site is a mine of information and exchanges, where users share various content in communities called “subreddits”. For marketers, Reddit provides a unique opportunity to engage in in-depth discussions with targeted audiences and understand consumer interests and preferences.


Although LinkedIn is not in the top 10 in the United States, its popularity is not less. It is the platform of choice for professional networking, allowing individuals and businesses to connect, share experiences, and offer or seek job opportunities. In the context of online marketing, LinkedIn is essential for B2B marketing, lead generation, and building professional credibility.



Superdense is a platform that allows users to consolidate all their important links and resources in one place. It’s ideal for organizing bookmarks, tools, and frequently used documents, allowing for quick access and better time management. 

It’s a service that offers customizable countdown timers for emails. These counters can increase engagement in email marketing campaigns, by creating a sense of urgency or highlighting time-limited offers.


Hotjar is an analysis and feedback tool for websites. It helps understand user behavior through heat maps, session recordings, and surveys. This helps improve user experience and optimize the website.

Microsoft Clarity 

It is a free analytics tool from Microsoft that offers insights into user behavior on a website. With features like heatmaps and session recordings, it helps identify areas of improvement for a better user experience. 

Geru is a marketing funnel planner and simulator. It helps businesses model, plan and optimize their sales and marketing funnels, providing revenue forecasts and insights on which strategies to adopt.


Bitly is widely known for its link shortening service, which helps transform long URLs into shorter, manageable versions. It is also a powerful tool for tracking and analyzing link performance.


VideoAsk offers an interactive and personal way to communicate with customers or target audience through videos. This tool can be used for surveys, feedback forms, and even recruitment processes.


Linktree allows users to create a personalized links page, which they can then share on their social media profiles. This is particularly useful for people or businesses who have multiple links to share with their audience. This way we can use social media to get more visits to our websites or products pages.


Airtable combines the functionality of a database with a friendly user interface. It is used to organize projects, data, and processes, with the flexibility of a spreadsheet and the power of a database.


Notion is an all-in-one tool for note-taking, project management, and team collaboration. With a customizable interface and varied features, it helps teams stay organized and in sync.



Trello has a direct alternative to Notion. Just like Notion, Trello is a versatile tool that combines project management and note-taking. With Trello, you can organize your team’s tasks and track work progress without having to constantly contact team members. You can tailor your workspace to your needs by adding checklists, files, and setting automation rules. This way you stay organized and productive. 

PPC Reveal 

PPC Reveal is an optimization platform for paid online advertising. It uses artificial intelligence to analyze and improve advertising campaigns, focusing on effectiveness and return on investment.

Fraud Blocker 

This tool helps businesses protect their online advertising campaigns against fraud. It monitors and blocks fraudulent traffic, ensuring that the advertising budget is spent efficiently.


Cliccease is an advertising fraud protection tool. It helps advertisers detect and prevent fraudulent clicks on their ads, thereby improving the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and reducing unnecessary costs.

Websites Based on Artificial Intelligence



Wordhero allows you to generate content in just a few clicks. Using artificial intelligence, it generates good inspirations for: Email subject, Facebook advertising, Amazon product descriptions, blog article titles, blog introduction, blog paragraphs, etc., it has of such an interesting rewriting module.


Peppercontent formerly named Peppertype is in the same category and functionality of Wordhero only that it allows you to better do your ideation, your creation, distribution and monitoring of the measurements of your content


Taskmagic allows you to automate some of your repetitive tasks from a video recording. In their communication, they pride themselves on being the solution that allows you to do things like Zapier which is very popular for automation and more. 


Recapiogpt is an AI-powered tool that specializes in automatically creating summaries for different types of content. Whether for articles, reports or books, this platform uses advanced algorithms to distill essential information and present a concise and relevant summary. It is an ideal tool for professionals and students who need to quickly synthesize large amounts of information. is an innovative platform that uses AI to transform texts into engaging audiovisual experiences. It allows users to easily create videos from scripts, integrating synthesized voices and animations. It’s a particularly useful tool for content creators, marketers, and educators looking to make their content more engaging and accessible. offers an AI-powered data analytics solution for businesses. By harnessing the power of machine learning, it helps organizations deeply understand their customer, market and operational data. is capable of providing valuable insights that can guide strategic decisions and optimize business performance. is an application designed to improve the accessibility of websites. It uses artificial intelligence to automatically generate alt text for images. This process helps visually impaired people understand visual content through accurate descriptions, thereby improving accessibility and compliance of websites with web standards.


Voila is an AI tool that focuses on personalizing and improving the online customer experience. By analyzing user behaviors and preferences, Voila can personalize product recommendations, content and promotional offers on websites. This allows businesses to deliver a more engaging and personalized experience, thereby increasing customer satisfaction and conversion rates.

Online Learning Web Platforms


Udemy is an online learning platform that offers a wide range of courses in various fields such as personal development, information technology, design, marketing, and more. With instructors from around the world, Udemy lets everyone learn at their own pace with courses accessible anytime, anywhere.


OpenClassroom is an online education platform focused on professional development. It offers diploma courses and courses in areas such as web development, digital marketing, and project management. With its hands-on approach, OpenClassroom is ideal for those looking to learn specific skills for the job market.


Coursera collaborates with universities and organizations around the world to offer online courses, specializations, certificates and degrees in a multitude of subjects. Coursera is particularly known for its high-quality courses in fields like data science, computer science, and public health.

Oshara Academy

Oshara Academy is an educational platform that focuses on courses and training in the field of digital marketing, web development and entrepreneurship. It offers educational resources tailored to current market needs, ideal for those looking to develop practical and relevant skills.


Although primarily known as a video sharing platform, YouTube also offers an immense amount of educational content. From tutorials to lectures to full courses, YouTube is an invaluable resource for self-learning in almost any field imaginable.


Masterclass stands out for its online courses taught by celebrities and recognized experts in their field. With classes ranging from cooking with Gordon Ramsay to writing with Margaret Atwood, Masterclass is ideal for those looking to learn from iconic figures.


Skillshare is a creativity-focused online learning community where professionals share their skills in areas like graphic design, photography, music, and writing. Lessons are often project-oriented, allowing students to learn by doing. is an audiobook platform that also offers audio courses in various fields. It’s a great option for those who prefer to learn through listening, with courses available in areas like personal development, business and literature

There are multitudes of tools to accomplish the same task, but it is important and effective to be well-equipped. So don’t hesitate to discover which ones are new to you and don’t hesitate to write to us if you have any questions.

If you need help with any of these tools, or you need help with your digital marketing, contact us today! We run the best web agency in Montreal and we have over 10 years of experience in marketing.