How to Run Facebook Ads? (7 Easy Steps)
Created July 4, 2022
Updated March 8, 2024
10 min read

How to Run Facebook Ads? (7 Easy Steps)

Do you want to promote your business or products with Facebook Ads? It can be a powerful tool to reach your target audience and increase your online visibility. So, do you do it in the most efficient way?

In this article, we’ll walk you through how to start advertising on Facebook, from defining your goals to creating your Ad, including targeting your audience. We’ll walk you through every essential step of the process, so buckle up!

Follow these steps and get ready to maximize your marketing impact on the Facebook. Whether you are a beginner or want to improve your Facebook Advertising skills, this article is for you!

Step 1: Choose the Objective of your Facebook Ads

Start by logging into the Facebook Ads Manager, then select the “Campaign” tab, then click on “Create” button to launch your first Facebook Ad campaign. 

You can select from 11 marketing objectives when creating Facebook Advertising campaign, here is what each of them means: 

  • Brand Awareness: The goal is to introduce your brand to a new audience through a Facebook Ad. 
  • Coverage: You want to expose a Facebook Ad to as many members of your audience as possible. 
  • Traffic: Your intention here is to redirect as many people as possible to a specific web page, application or even Messenger conversation through a Facebook Ad. 
  • Interaction: Your goal with a Facebook Ad is to increase the number of interactions with your publications (likes, shares, comments), increase the number of participants in your events or introduce your users to special offers.
  • App Installs: The purpose of this is for people who see your Facebook Ad to install your app. 
  • Video Views: Your goal is to get more people to watch your videos through a Facebook Ad
  • Lead Generation: You want to attract new leads into your sales funnel using a Facebook Ad
  • Messages: Your purpose is to get more one-to-one conversations with potential customers via Facebook Messenger with interaction to your Facebook Ad.
  • Conversions: You want Internet users to take an important action for you on your website (product purchase, subscription to the newsletter) through a Facebook Ad.
  • Catalog sale: Your purpose here is to display Facebook Ads for your products to certain users likely to buy them. 
  • Point-of-sale traffic: You want to encourage Internet users near your real store to visit it through a Facebook Ad.
Selecting Your Facebook Ad Objectives
Selecting Your Facebook Ad Objectives

Step 2: Name your Facebook Ad Campaign

In this step, scroll down your screen to name your Facebook Ad campaign. You also have the option to set up an A/B split test if you wish. 

Additionally, you can enable or disable the optimization of your ad campaign budget. This option can be especially useful if you want to create different Facebook Ad formats.

If you chose the interaction-based Facebook Advertising objective, you will need to make a choice during this step. You can focus on the engagement generated by posts, the number of “likes” on your page, or the number of responses to one of your events.

By naming your ad campaign, you can customize it to suit your business and the specific goal you want to achieve. 

By choosing the budget optimization option, you have the flexibility to create different Ad variations to maximize your advertising impact. 

You can also try with the option Lifetime budget, it means the whole budget that you are ready to spend on an ad set.

Finally, by selecting the engagement objective, you can direct your efforts toward engagement, likes, or event responses, depending on your marketing strategy.

Finally, by selecting the engagement objective, you can direct your efforts toward engagement, likes, or event responses, depending on your marketing strategy.

Naming Your Facebook Ad and Adding Details
Naming Your Facebook Ad and Adding Details

Step 3: Set up your Facebook Ad Account

If you’ve already created your Facebook Ad account, just click the button that appears to continue. 

On the other hand, if this is your first time creating an Ad on Facebook, you will see the “Set up Ad account” button. By clicking with this button, you will be asked to provide some key information to create your Facebook Advertising account.

Facebook will ask you to fill in details like the country you live in, your preferred currency, and your time zone. Be sure to choose this information carefully, because if you need to change it later, you will need to create a new Facebook Advertising account.

The precise configuration of your advertising account is important because it determines the basic parameters of your advertising campaigns. Input accurate and relevant information to ensure your account is set up correctly from the start.

Once you have provided this information, click “Continue” to proceed to the next step in creating your ad. By carefully setting up your Facebook Advertising account, you ensure that you have a solid foundation to manage your advertising campaigns effectively.

Step 4: Target your Audience

The ability for precise targeting on Facebook makes it one of the most powerful advertising platforms. Targeting your audience effectively allows you to reach the right people, at the right time, with the right message.

Here are some tips for targeting your audience on Facebook:

Define your Target Audience: Identify the demographics, interests, and behaviors of your ideal audience. The more you can narrow down your audience, the more likely you are to reach people who are genuinely interested in your offer.

Use Basic Targeting Options: Facebook offers basic targeting options such as age, gender, location, language, and more. Use these options to narrow your audience to criteria relevant to your business.

Leverage Advanced Targeting Options: Facebook offers advanced targeting options that let you segment your audience based on their interests, online behaviors, relationships, work status, and more. Use these options to further refine your audience and maximize the relevance of your ads. For example, if you sell sportswear, you can target users interested in fitness or specific sports.

Use Facebook Custom Audiences: Import your existing contact lists, such as customer email addresses, to create Custom Audiences on Facebook. This allows you to directly target people who are already familiar with your business and who are more likely to be receptive to your advertisements.

Experiment with Lookalike Audiences : Lookalike audiences help you reach new people who have similar characteristics to your existing audience. Use this feature to expand your reach and make new prospects interested in your products or services.

By using these targeting techniques on Facebook, you can reach the people most relevant to your business, improve the effectiveness of your ads, and increase your chances of conversion. Be specific in your targeting and adjust your settings based on the results to optimize your Facebook Ad campaigns.

Remember to monitor and analyze your ad performance to adjust your targeting over time. By refining your audience, you’ll increase the chances of reaching the right people with your message and getting meaningful results.

Step 5: Choose your Facebook Ad Placements

Choosing your Facebook Ad placements is an important decision that will allow you to maximize the effectiveness of your campaign. Facebook offers different locations where your ads can appear.

Experiment with automatic placements: Facebook offers the “Automatic placements” option, where Facebook’s algorithm decides where to show your ads based on performance and relevance. This can be a good option if you want to automatically optimize your investments for the best possible results.

With Facebook users increasingly active on their mobile devices, ads running on mobile placements can be very effective in reaching your audience on these devices. Make sure your content is mobile friendly and use features like deep linking to facilitate mobile engagement.

Certain placements may be more relevant depending on your offering or industry. For example, if you have a business, ads on Instagram can be particularly effective in visually showcasing your products or services.

Carefully monitor the performance of your ads across different placements. Use the data provided by Facebook to evaluate the results obtained on each placement and adjust your strategies accordingly. You can adjust the bids or budgets allocated to each placement based on their respective performance.

You can also think about running a Facebook Carousel Ads that basically shows two ads in place on one, two images with descriptions and everything, so your customer will be able to see two of your products or services listings.

It’s important to experiment with different placements and analyze the results to find the most effective combination for your Ad campaign. By keeping your goals in mind and carefully monitoring performance, you’ll be able to choose placements that maximize your impact on Facebook.

Selecting Facebook Ad Placement
Selecting Facebook Ad Placement

Step 6: Determine your Budget and Facebook Ad Program 

Once you have reached this stage, you will be able to determine the amount you want to invest in your Facebook Advertising campaign. 

Facebook gives you two options: a daily budget or an overall budget. You also have the option to configure the start and end dates if you want to schedule your Facebook Ad to appear later, or to make it public immediately.

If you wish, you can also manage fees and bids at this stage. This feature allows you to set spending limits based on specific actions rather than limiting your overall campaign budget. Advanced budget options also let you specify how you want to allocate your budget and set your spending preferences.

In summary, Facebook gives you control over how much you invest in your advertising campaign. You can choose between a daily or general budget, schedule air dates, and manage fees and bids as needed. Advanced budget options give you the flexibility to optimize your Ad spend effectively.

Step 7: Launch your Facebook Ad

To launch your Facebook Ad, start by deciding on the format that matches your campaign objective. Then add captivating text that reflects your message, and select the appropriate media, whether it’s an image, video or slideshow. 

Be sure to use Facebook’s preview tool to verify that your ad appears correctly on all selected placements, whether it’s mobile, desktop, News Feed, or the right column.

When everything is ready, click the “Confirm” button to submit your ad. Facebook will then review your ad and send you a notification email regarding its approval. If your ad is approved, it will show to your target audience.

It is important to note that the approval process may take some time, so please be patient. During this time, be sure to regularly monitor your ad’s performance once it’s live. This will allow you to adjust your strategy as needed and optimize your results.

By launching your Facebook Ad carefully and carefully following the approval process, you will maximize its chances of reaching your audience and generating the expected results.

Oshara's Specialized Facebook Ad Service
Oshara’s Specialized Facebook Ad Service


Congratulations, you are now ready to run your very own Facebook Ad! We hope this article has given you a better understanding of the different steps required to run ads on the platform based on your business goals.

If you want to learn more about the subject or get help creating Facebook Ads adapted to your project, do not hesitate to consult our services page and contact us. We offer personalized management of your Facebook Ad, according to your needs and your budget.

If you need our help please contact us today. We are the best web marketing agency in Montreal and we have over 10 years of experience in marketing.