Your free toolbox for digital success.

At Oshara, we believe in empowering businesses with the right tools to succeed in the digital age. As a full-service web and marketing agency with solid expertise in web application development, we’ve created a range of free tools to help you optimize your marketing and development efforts. Our team of IT experts has developed these tools to provide you with valuable information and improve your online presence.

Marketing: Google

This tool allows you to see how your web pages appear in Google.


This tool allows you to generate slugs for your URL, file name etc.

Technology: Laravel

This tool allows you to create an encrypted Laravel password for your DB.

Technology: CMS WordPress

This tool allows you to create an encrypted WordPress password for your DB.

Technology: CMS Joomla

This tool allows you to create an encrypted Joomla password for your DB.


This tool allows you to check the status of all links on a given website.