LET US IMPROVE YOUR Website Efficiency with USER EXPERIENCE testing

Optimizing your website with user experience testing helps find and fix problems, making it easier for people to use your website. This boosts your marketing funnel and increases conversions. It also saves money on development by creating the right interface from the start. Happier users mean more satisfaction and loyalty, keeping them coming back.


User Experience (UX) testing is an important process in the development of digital products, ensuring they meet the needs and expectations of users. Through UX testing, designers and developers gather invaluable feedback on usability, functionality, and overall user satisfaction. By observing users interact with prototypes or existing products, teams can identify potential pain points, usability issues, and areas for improvement.

The next phase, UX testing helps validate design decisions, ensuring that the user interface aligns with user expectations and preferences. This iterative process allows for adjustments to be made early in the development cycle, saving time and resources in the long run.

Also, UX testing fosters deeper connection with users, as teams gain insights into their behaviors, motivations, and challenges. By prioritizing user feedback and incorporating it into the design process, companies can create products that resonate with their target audience and ultimately drive success in the market.



+10 years

experience. For over a decade, Oshara has been at the forefront of website development, technology applications and digital marketing.


projects. We have deployed thousands of websites, online stores and Web applications for companies and institutions in Canada and around the world.


marketing campaigns. Thanks to successful campaigns in SEO, Google Ads and Facebook, we have established ourselves as a leader in online advertising solutions.


of revenue generated. Our solutions have generated millions of dollars in revenue for our customers, giving them an exponential return on their investment.

How can user experience testing improve your websites?


Identifying problems with usability through UX testing involves observing how users interact with a product to uncover navigation issues, confusing interfaces, and functionality roadblocks. By scrutinizing user behavior and feedback, designers gain insights to refine the user experience, ensuring intuitive and efficient interactions for optimal user satisfaction.


Improving funnels and conversions through UX testing entails analyzing user behavior at key points in the conversion process, such as sign-ups or purchases. By identifying obstacles and streamlining the user journey, designers can optimize the flow, layout, and messaging to increase conversion rates, ultimately driving business growth and success.


Reducing development costs through UX testing involves early detection and mitigation of usability issues, preventing expensive redesigns or reworks later in the development cycle. By addressing user experience concerns upfront, companies save resources and streamline the development process, resulting in more efficient and cost-effective product development.


A positive user experience cultivated through UX testing contributes to a better brand reputation by fostering trust, loyalty, and positive word-of-mouth. When users consistently encounter intuitive and satisfying interactions with a product, they are more likely to perceive the brand positively, leading to increased credibility and stronger brand advocacy.

Our 4-step process for conducting USER EXPERIENCE TESTING

We use a proven 4-step process that we tailor to each of our customers’ objectives:

User Behaviour Research

Conduct user behavior research through analytics, heatmap and usability testing to understand user needs, behaviors, and pain points. Analyze the data to identify key areas for improvement in the user experience.


Create prototypes based on the insights gathered from user research. Focus on intuitive design, ensuring that the user interface is easy to navigate and visually appealing.


Develop the improved user interface and integrate it into your website or application. Conduct usability testing with real users to gather feedback and identify any issues that need to be addressed.

Launching and Monitoring

Launch the new UX design. Continuously monitor user interactions and gather feedback through analytics tools and user feedback channels. Use this information to make improvements, ensuring the user experience evolves to meet changing user needs and preferences.


User experience (UX) testing checks how people use a product to find any problems and ways to make it better. It involves watching users as they use the product, getting their feedback, and studying how they interact with it. The aim is to make sure the product is easy to use and works well. Fixing issues early improves user satisfaction and helps create a more user-friendly and successful product.


User experience (UX) testing is vital because it directly impacts how users interact with and perceive a product. By observing real users as they navigate and use the product, UX testing reveals any usability issues or areas that may cause frustration. This feedback allows developers to make necessary adjustments, ensuring the product is intuitive and user-friendly. Identifying and addressing these issues early in the development process can prevent costly changes and enhance overall user satisfaction.

Furthermore, a positive user experience leads to higher adoption and retention rates. When users find a product easy to use and enjoyable, they are more likely to continue using it and recommend it to others. This boosts customer loyalty and can significantly contribute to the product’s success in the market. UX testing helps create a product that not only functions well but also meets user expectations and delights its audience.

Key components of a UX test include establishing clear objectives, developing realistic tasks or scenarios, selecting appropriate participants, and collecting both qualitative and quantitative data. Effective data analysis is crucial for identifying usability issues and areas for improvement. Each component ensures the test provides actionable insights to enhance the user experience.

  • Objectives: Define specific goals for the test.
  • Scenarios: Create realistic tasks for users.
  • Participants: Select users who represent your target audience.
  • Data Collection: Gather feedback and observe user interactions.
  • Analysis: Review data to identify issues and suggest improvements.

UX testing should be conducted regularly throughout a product’s lifecycle. Initially, it’s essential during the design and development phases to identify and address issues early. Post-launch, periodic testing helps to catch any usability problems that emerge as the product evolves or as user needs change. Frequent testing allows for continuous improvement, ensuring that the product remains user-friendly and relevant. Incorporating UX testing into your regular update cycle also helps adapt to new technologies or market trends, maintaining a high standard of user experience and keeping users engaged and satisfied over time.

Absolutely, we can help with UX testing to ensure your product delivers an exceptional user experience. Our team offers comprehensive UX testing services, including usability testing, A/B testing, and user feedback analysis. We start by understanding your product and its objectives, then create detailed test scenarios that reflect real-world use. We recruit representative users to interact with your product and gather both qualitative and quantitative data on their experiences.

Our process involves observing user interactions, collecting feedback through surveys or interviews, and analyzing the results to identify pain points and areas for improvement. We provide actionable insights and recommendations to enhance usability, functionality, and overall satisfaction. Whether you’re in the design phase, preparing for a launch, or looking to refine an existing product, our UX testing services can help you make data-driven decisions and create a more intuitive and effective product. Reach out to us to discuss how we can support your UX testing needs.