SEO Optimization and Content Creation


Osortoo logo


Osortoo is Montreal based winner picker solution. Their product is winner picking on Facebook and Instagram giveaways, as well as picking winners outside of social media. Their most popular product is Multiplatform picker that picks winners from both Facebook and Instagram in one draw.

Osortoo’s goal is to help businesses organize giveaways and pick winners easily, without spending too much time or money on it. They also provide “Winner Image” and “Winner Video” for every winner that is picked on their platform, so the customers of businesses know that the picking was run through a third-party app and that it was a fair game.

Osortoo winner picker page


The main objective was to get more visits to the website and educate visitors on how to use the winner picking application. 

The secondary goal was to get more visitors to subscribe to the premium version. Also, it was important to capitalize on the high turnover times like Christmas and Valentine’s Day and to maximize the sale of subscriptions during those times.

The Solution

To achieve the goals of the client we had done a detailed marketing analysis as well as analysis of the competitors on the market. The marketing plan we developed was heavy on SEO optimization and content creation. The SEO should bring us new customers, and the created content will be where we will implement the SEO but also where we will educate the customers.
We did this in few stages and got great results.

SEO Analysis

We did an SEO analysis of the website, but also on the broader winner picking market. Here we included the competitors and we tried to find opportunities which weren’t used by any competitor. We used keywords that were different and we tried to base our whole approach on those keywords. With this we got the targeted audience that we needed that were more likely to enjoy our product and also purchase a subscription at some point.

Content Creation

We used the SEO analysis results to create two types of pages: service pages and articles.

We created service pages by using the keywords that people were searching for and we set up these pages in a way that we explained in a simple fashion how this tools work and what is the result the customer gets at the end. We also had images that were social proof of how it looks in real time. This all helps the customer to understand what the tools are all about and how they are used.

In the articles we explained in details how you can use the tools to the fool extent. We wrote step by step guides with images for every step and we gave detail explanation on how different things are done. We also had articles about how to organize giveaways during the holidays, how to run the whole show, how to announce and contact your winners and many other useful tips. We even had articles where upon researching different popular giveaways we were giving ideas about some popular prizes.

Content creation was great for Osortoo’s website because it helped them educate their customers and brought many people who were not interested in buying their subscription but liked the content and changed their decision later. This created a great deal of brand awareness and brand loyalty, that later translated in more subscription sales.


Running a good SEO analysis and optimization on Osortoo’s website, and later creating the right content for the customer brought great results, they got a lot of new users and sold a record number of subscriptions.

The results that we got from our efforts are the following:

  • More than 65% increase in number of Users
  • More than 71% percent of those users were New Users
  • Average time spent by users on website 2 minutes 52 seconds (250% increase)
  • Most visited day has 51% more visits
  • Revenue increased by 150% of the original revenue
  • Every metric has exceeded the expectation set in the beginning

In conclusion, Osortoo’s SEO optimization and content creation succeeded, establishing Osortoo as a brand which customers like. The right optimization brought a lot of new users, but what is very interesting, it brought the right people who wanted to subscribe and doubled the revenue of the company.