How to use Remarketing?
Created July 4, 2024
Updated July 5, 2024
9 min read

How to Use Remarketing (to Boost Sales)?

Have you ever surfed the web and all of a sudden, you get an ad on some webpage about the product that you were about to buy last week?

You forgot to enter your data at that time, and totally forgot about the product. 

So, conveniently this ad appeared out of nowhere and is reminding you of that product. You just need to click on it and finish the purchase. Such an easy and convenient thing to do!

But wait, does that mean that the website followed you along and waited for the right time to show you the ad? Yes it kind of did, and that process is called Remarketing.

What is Remarketing?

Remarketing is a way for businesses to reach people who visited their website or app but didn’t make a purchase. By using cookies, businesses can show ads to these people as they browse other sites or use apps. 

This keeps the brand in their mind and encourages them to come back and buy. Remarketing ads can be done through Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and email campaigns. It helps improve engagement and boost sales by targeting potential customers who have already shown interest in the business.

What is the Difference Between Retargeting Vs Remarketing?

Many people use both Retargeting and Remarketing interchangeably. But they are not the same, Retargeting is actually a part of a Remarketing. It’s like a smaller category which is focused on targeting the same people again, and usually these people are targeted based on criteria from the ads you have run before. 

While Remarketing is a broader field in which you also target the people that have organically visited your website and who maybe are not part of your original target audience. This is important because your goal is to get as many conversions and engagements as you can, and sometimes Retargeting feels a bit too restrictive for that. 

Retargeted visitors have bigger chances of buying your product
Retargeted visitors have bigger chances of buying your product Source httpsred website designcoukremarketing stats 2020

The statistics say that 78% of users who saw retargeted ads appreciated it and thought it is good that it reminded them of the product. Another statistic says that going to visiting an online shop for the first time gives you just around 2% chance of buying the product, visiting again without retargeting means 8% chance of buying the product, while retargeting a user that has seen the product before gives you 25% chance to sell. That is 12X times more than the first visits, and 3X more then not targeted visitors who came back.

How Remarketing Works?

Remarketing works by using cookies to track visitors who come to your website or app. When someone visits but doesn’t make a purchase, a small piece of code (a cookie) is added to their browser. These are called digital breadcrumbs, little pieces of code that follow your movement on different websites, social media, and mobile apps.

How does Remarketing work?
How does Remarketing work Source httpsred website designcoukremarketing stats 2020

This cookie allows your ads to follow them as they browse other websites or use apps. You can create specific ads targeting these users to remind them of what they were interested in. By showing personalized ads to people who have already shown interest in your product, you hugely increase your chances of them buying your product. Because they were interested before and they have the basic information about the product.

Basic Steps of Setting Up Remarketing Ads Campaigns

Setting up a remarketing ads campaign involves a few basic steps to better target visitors who have interacted with your website or app. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Choose a Platform: Decide where you want to set up a remarketing campaign. Popular choices include Google Ads and Facebook Ads, both of which offer robust remarketing tools.
  • Add a Remarketing Tag or Pixel: On your chosen platform, find the remarketing tag (Google) or pixel (Facebook). Add this small piece of code to your website’s pages. This tag will place cookies on the browsers of your visitors, allowing you to track their behavior.
  • Create Remarketing Lists: Based on the data collected by your tag or pixel, create lists of visitors to target. You can segment these lists based on specific actions, like visitors who viewed a particular product or those who abandoned their shopping carts.
  • Design Your Ads: Create compelling ads tailored to the interests of your segmented lists. Include eye-catching visuals and strong calls to action to encourage users to return to your site. Don’t overcomplicate your ads with too much information, just show the product and the call to action and let their brain do the rest.
  • Set Up Campaigns: In your chosen platform, set up your remarketing campaigns. Define your budget, choose your audience from the remarketing lists, and set your ad placements.
  • Monitor and Optimize: After launching your campaigns, regularly check their performance. Adjust your ads, budgets, and targeting as needed to improve results and achieve better conversions.

Generally speaking this is how a Remarketing campaign works, and how it attracts visitors back to your website so they can take another look at your product or purchase it right away.

Benefits of Remarketing

Remarketing offers many great benefits for your business. One of the main advantages is that it helps increase conversions. By targeting people who have already shown interest in your products or services, remarketing reminds them of what they looked at or added to their cart. This nudge often leads to more completed purchases.

To best explain this, we will need to use the Marketing Funnel model. People who abandoned their shopping cart (virtually of course) were the closest to buying your product.

AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action)
AIDA Attention Interest Desire Action

They already passed thought the AIDA funnel (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) and were at the last step in which they had to make the buying decision. They also probably made that decision but had some problem with entering details or their credit card, or something else. So they are the most targeted audience you can have, the audience most likely to buy your product and make a conversion. 

You just need to show them the product again, and get them into the buying process. Chances are you will have a conversion made in less than a minute. That’s why Remarketing is a huge business and companies invest a lot of money for good remarketing strategies.

Because of this, the Cost per Click (CPC) of your campaigns will be lower, because you just need to show them your ad once, and you don’t need to show them any further information. This makes the ads very efficient and it is why Remarketing has a great Return of Investment (ROI).

Another benefit is better brand recall. Remarketing keeps your brand visible to potential customers as they browse other websites or use apps, helping them remember your products when they’re ready to buy. You know the theory that buyers need to see an advertisement 7 times before the make a decision. Well some of your buyers maybe need to see your product few times more before they make the decision, and the ads can help them with that.

It also allows for more personalized ads. By using data on what people have previously shown interest in, you can create ads that are more relevant and engaging, increasing the chances they will click and convert.

As we said above, you can use Remarketing ads on different platform, but the most popular channel is still Google. Good marketing strategy is to use Google to create dynamic remarketing campaigns, displaying tailored ads to users who previously visited your site. By leveraging your Google Ads account, you can set up a retargeting campaign with personalized display ads, effectively re-engaging past visitors and boosting conversions.

Best Strategies for Effective Remarketing Campaign

Good remarketing strategies focus on engaging and converting visitors who showed interest but didn’t buy. Here are key strategies:

  1. Segment your audience by their actions on your site. Create specific lists for different actions like viewing products or abandoning carts. Tailor ads to match. All of these groups will need a bit different approach that will make them return and purchase the product.
  2. Personalize ads to connect with each group. Use dynamic ads showing products they viewed or messages based on their behavior. This ties to the grouping explained above.
  3. Limit how often ads appear to avoid annoying users. This is very important for making your ad more appealing, but also for making it more effective and spending less on needless promotion. 
  4. Reach users on different devices they use.Try to run your ads on Google and on social media too, because that might get the attention of your customer. Like he is scrolling through his friends feeds and he sees your ad, it might be more effective then seeing it in Google.
  5. Integrate remarketing with other campaigns for maximum impact. Try to run Remarketing campaigns with discount campaigns. So was about to buy your product, but dropped it, they might reconsider if it’s on discount now.
  6. Regularly check and improve campaigns using analytics. Use analytics to regularly update your buyers persona, what they like, how they like it, and how can you best reach them.

These steps help bring back interested visitors and boost sales with your Remarketing campaigns. 


Remarketing helps businesses reconnect with interested customers to boost sales. By targeting ads based on what users looked at and personalizing messages, businesses increase their chances of converting visits into purchases. 

The customers that Remarketing targets are the most valuable ones because they are already introduced to your product and they already liked it and were ready to buy it. For some reason, they didn’t make that final buying decision, and your job is to find out why that is and to help them do it. 

It’s important to create a strategy that will bring customers back and not drive them further away. One of those this is to manage how often ads appear to avoid bothering users. Using remarketing across different devices and integrating it with other marketing efforts ensures a consistent brand presence. 

Regularly checking and improving campaigns using data helps businesses stay effective and grow. By using these strategies, businesses can make the most of remarketing to increase sales and engage customers effectively.

If you need help with making a Remarketing strategy for your website we can help you! Contact us today we run the best marketing agency in Montreal.