User Testing

Create better websitest with USER Testing

User testing is when real users try out a product to see how well it works for them. This helps find any problems and collects feedback. It makes sure the product is easy to use and meets users’ needs. This process improves user experience, reduces costs, and boosts product quality.


User testing is an important part of making products user-friendly. It means watching real people use a product to find any problems they have. This helps designers and developers see how easy and efficient their product is and shows where it needs to be better.

By getting feedback from real users, companies can make sure their product meets what people want and need. This makes users happier and avoids expensive changes after the product is out. Finding problems early saves time and money.

User testing also helps make the product better and more competitive. A product that’s easy to use and meets user needs is more likely to do well in the market. It builds customer loyalty and helps a brand stand out. Overall, user testing is key to making great products.



+10 years

experience. For over a decade, Oshara has been at the forefront of website development, technology applications and digital marketing.


projects. We have deployed thousands of websites, online stores and Web applications for companies and institutions in Canada and around the world.


marketing campaigns. Thanks to successful campaigns in SEO, Google Ads and Facebook, we have established ourselves as a leader in online advertising solutions.


of revenue generated. Our solutions have generated millions of dollars in revenue for our customers, giving them an exponential return on their investment.

How can User Testing help your website?


User testing optimizes key user flows, making processes like sign-ups or purchases smoother and more intuitive. This reduces user drop-offs at critical points, leading to higher conversion rates and more successful user interactions with the product.


Improved user experience through user testing ensures that the product is intuitive and satisfying to use. By identifying and addressing usability issues, it creates a seamless and enjoyable interaction for users, enhancing satisfaction and engagement with the product.


Increased ROI results from user testing by focusing resources on areas that deliver the most value. By optimizing user experience, reducing development costs, and boosting customer retention, user-tested products generate higher returns on investment and long-term profitability for businesses.

WHY CHOOSE OSHARA for your website user testing?

We use a proven 4-step process that we tailor to each of our customers’ objectives:

IT expertise

Founded as a technology company, our deep-rooted IT expertise sets us apart. We build digital solutions that go beyond aesthetics to guarantee high-performance, scalable and future-proof technologies.

Customized Solutions

We take a tailored approach to every project. Our solutions are designed around your business needs and are constantly refined to optimize performance and engagement.

Data-driven approach

We integrate data into every decision and strategy. Our analytical approach means we deliver campaigns and solutions optimized for growth and engagement.

Full Service Offers

From ideas to execution and ongoing support, we offer a complete range of services to meet all your digital needs.


User testing is when real people try out a product or service to see how well it works. They complete specific tasks while we watch and record what they do. This helps us find any problems and understand how easy or hard the product is to use. By seeing how users interact with it, we can make improvements to better meet their needs. User testing is essential for making sure the product is user-friendly and delivers a good experience.

User testing is crucial because it provides direct feedback from real users, helping to ensure that a product is effective and user-friendly. By observing how users interact with a product, we can identify and address issues that might not be obvious during development. This feedback helps us understand user needs, preferences, and pain points, leading to a more intuitive and satisfying experience. Addressing usability problems early in the design process can save time and costs compared to fixing issues after launch. Ultimately, user testing helps create a product that better meets user expectations, improves user satisfaction, and increases the likelihood of success in the market.

User testing involves real users interacting with a product while we observe and record their actions. Participants are asked to complete specific tasks, providing feedback on usability and functionality. This data is analyzed to identify issues and improve the product based on user insights. The process goes through these phases:

  • Users perform tasks with the product.
  • Actions are observed and recorded.
  • Feedback is collected on usability and functionality.
  • Data is analyzed to find issues.
  • Recommendations are made to improve the product.

User testing should be conducted throughout the development cycle to ensure a product meets user needs. Early testing reveals issues with initial designs, while testing at various stages—such as after major updates or before launch—helps catch problems that arise from changes. Regular testing throughout the process ensures continuous improvement and a user-friendly final product. The goal is to gather feedback early and often, making adjustments as needed for the best user experience.

Absolutely, we can help with your user testing needs. Our team will work closely with you to understand your product, goals, and target audience. We’ll start by designing a testing plan tailored to your specific requirements. This includes defining the tasks for users to complete and setting up the testing environment, whether in-person or remote.

Next, we’ll recruit participants who match your target demographic to ensure the feedback is relevant and actionable. During the testing sessions, we’ll observe and record user interactions, paying close attention to any issues or challenges they encounter. Our goal is to capture valuable insights into how users experience your product.

After the testing is complete, we’ll analyze the data and provide you with a detailed report. This will include key findings, user feedback, and practical recommendations for improvements. Our comprehensive approach ensures you have the information needed to enhance your product and better meet user needs. Contact us today for a free consultation.