Optimizing your website with Google Analytics helps you gather the right data and track important actions. You can set clear marketing goals, run A/B tests on different pages and features, and see what works best. This way, you can keep an eye on your site’s performance and make improvements to meet your goals.


Google Analytics Optimization helps you to gather the right data from Google Analytics to be able to improve the performance of your webiste. It means setting up Google Analytics to gather relevant data about your users behavior, traffic sources, and conversions. This data serves as a foundation for understanding how visitors interact with the site and where improvements can be made.

Then in-depth analysis of the collected data is crucial for identifying patterns, trends, and areas for optimization. This includes tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) such as bounce rates, session durations, and conversion rates to gauge the effectiveness of the website. By identifying strengths and weaknesses, your business can prioritize efforts to maximize impact.

At last we optimize our strategy based on the data we got. This may involve A/B testing different website elements, refining content and user experiences, and making informed decisions to improve overall performance. Through continuous monitoring, testing, and refinement, Google Analytics Optimization enables businesses to make data-driven decisions that enhance user experience, increase engagement, and drive meaningful results.



+10 years

experience. For over a decade, Oshara has been at the forefront of website development, technology applications and digital marketing.


projects. We have deployed thousands of websites, online stores and Web applications for companies and institutions in Canada and around the world.


marketing campaigns. Thanks to successful campaigns in SEO, Google Ads and Facebook, we have established ourselves as a leader in online advertising solutions.


of revenue generated. Our solutions have generated millions of dollars in revenue for our customers, giving them an exponential return on their investment.

How can Google Analytics Optimization help your business?


Targeted data collection in Google Analytics involves strategically configuring tracking parameters to gather specific information relevant to business objectives. By focusing on key metrics aligned with goals, businesses can ensure they capture actionable data to drive informed decision-making and optimize their online performance effectively.


Setting objective goals and targets in Google Analytics involves defining specific, measurable outcomes aligned with business objectives. By establishing clear benchmarks for metrics such as conversion rates or user engagement, businesses can track progress, identify areas for improvement, and ensure efforts are directed towards achieving meaningful results.


A/B testing, also known as split testing, involves comparing two versions of a webpage, email, or ad to determine which performs better in achieving a specific goal. By randomly presenting variations to users and analyzing results, businesses can make data-driven decisions to optimize content, design, and functionality for improved performance.


Optimization of marketing strategies with Google Analytics entails analyzing campaign performance data to refine targeting, messaging, and channel allocation. By identifying successful tactics and reallocating resources accordingly, businesses can maximize ROI, improve audience engagement, and ensure marketing efforts align with overarching goals and objectives.

Our 4-step process for optimizing your Google Analytics

We use a proven 4-step process that we tailor to each of our customers’ objectives:

Setup and COnfiguration

We start by properly setting up Google Analytics on your website, ensuring that the tracking code is correctly implemented on all pages. Configure essential settings like goals, filters, and site search tracking to collect relevant data.

Data Collection

We collect data over a period to ensure you have a comprehensive set of metrics to analyze. Segment this data by various criteria, such as traffic sources, user demographics, and behavior, to gain deeper insights.

Analyzing Data

Analyze the segmented data to identify trends, patterns, and areas of improvement. Interpret these insights to understand user behavior, conversion rates, and the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

Implementation and Monitoring

Implement changes based on your analysis to optimize your website's performance. Continuously monitor the data to track the impact of these changes, making adjustments as needed to maintain optimal performance.



Google Analytics Optimization is about improving how you use Google Analytics to get better data. This means setting up tracking codes right, creating goals to track user actions, and adjusting filters to make sure the data is correct. When you optimize your Google Analytics, you get clearer information on how people use your site and how well your marketing works. This helps you understand your website’s performance and make smarter decisions to grow your business. In short, it makes your data more useful and accurate for your needs.

Google Analytics Optimization is crucial because it ensures you’re collecting accurate and actionable data. By refining your setup, you gain clear insights into how users interact with your website and the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. This helps you make informed decisions, identify areas for improvement, and tailor strategies to drive better results. With optimized analytics, you can track performance more effectively, allocate resources wisely, and ultimately enhance your business’s growth and success.

Certainly! Here’s a streamlined list on ensuring the accuracy of your Google Analytics data:

  1. Verify Tracking Code Installation: Ensure the tracking code is correctly placed on all pages of your website.

  2. Set Up Filters: Exclude internal traffic by filtering out visits from your own IP address and other irrelevant sources.

  3. Check for Duplicate Tracking: Ensure the tracking code is not duplicated on any page.

  4. Configure Goals and Events: Set up and test goals and events to accurately track user actions and conversions.

  5. Use Google Tag Manager: Implement Google Tag Manager for more precise tracking without modifying code directly.

  6. Regularly Review Data: Periodically audit your setup to catch any discrepancies or errors.

You should review your Google Analytics data at least once a month to stay updated on website performance and marketing effectiveness. Monthly reviews help track trends, measure the impact of recent changes or campaigns, and identify any issues early. For high-traffic sites or ongoing campaigns, more frequent checks, such as weekly, can be beneficial to quickly respond to shifts in user behavior or performance. Regular reviews ensure your data remains accurate and actionable for informed decision-making.

Yes, we can help with your Google Analytics optimization! Our team specializes in fine-tuning Google Analytics to ensure you get the most accurate and actionable data. We start by reviewing your current setup to confirm that tracking codes are properly installed and functioning. We then help set up and configure goals and events to track key user actions and conversions. Additionally, we apply filters to exclude internal traffic and avoid data skewing.

Our approach also includes implementing Google Tag Manager for streamlined tracking and making any necessary adjustments to align with your business objectives. We regularly audit your data to identify and correct any inconsistencies or errors. By working with us, you’ll gain clearer insights into your website’s performance, allowing you to make informed decisions and optimize your marketing strategies effectively. Let’s enhance your data accuracy and drive better business outcomes together!

We have over a decade of experience in Google Analytics Optimization and we can surely help you. We run the best web agency in Montreal, call us today for a free consultation!